Forum Rules
(Ban or mute times may vary)
- Any form of teasing, e.g. denigration, bullying, humiliation, ridicule (including bodyshaming or catcalling) is prohibited.
- It is not allowed to publish racist / homophobic / sexist / propagating fascist or totalitarian systems / offending religious feelings / and pornographic content, i.e. pictures, memes, videos, gifs, links to websites with inappropriate content, etc. - memes/pictures shared must comply with the rules.
- Advertising, reflinking or any other form of self-promotion without the permission of the administration will be punished by temporary mute and, as a last resort, by blocking the user.
- Spamming, excessive use of capital letters and other methods that breach netiquette are prohibited.
- We do not upload links where the content looks like a potential phishing attempt.
- Impersonation is severely punishable and liable to prosecution, therefore any person caught impersonating someone or ‘bots’ will result in the user being blocked.
- Promoting and sharing content from illegal sources is prohibited on the server. The sharing and use of glitches, cheats and exploits is also prohibited.