Although not a lot of new content generally comes in January, we do have some various fixes and quality of life which goes live today.
Can pickup sleeping bags in tool cupboard radius
Fix quick craft button showing number of crafting tasks instead of number of items crafting
Fix quick craft middle mouse crafting 5 items individually instead of 1 group of 5x items
Fix wires being at wrong height when paste is auto-snapped to the terrain
Remove last LOD from excavator bucket wheel so the wheel can always be seen spinning
Antihack kicks reserve slot for queue bypass
Fix foliage grid bounds calculations, basic implementation of terrain maps in compute foliage placement
Tweaks to wolf and NPC AI
ESPCanvas convars (DisableOcclusionChecks, OverrideMaxDisplayDistance, ColourCodeTeams, UseRandomTeamColours, etc) will now work if the player is first person spectating
Converted f1 grenade to use specgloss
Fix industrial conveyor not pulling from the last dropbox slot
Improved behavior of zipline dismounts
Fix telephone using the numbered grid instead of letter grid
Add toast to variable zoom scope
will prompt you on hotkeys to zoom up and down
will stop showing once you click the button 5x
Fixed fish traps not working after a server restart if they were loaded with bait before the server saves
Fixed chat mute list exposing Steamids
Fixed T1SMG clipping issues
Fixed battery showing "5m" of charge left instead of "24hr 5m" when >24hrs charge left
Added ‘set_battery_charge’admin command to manually modify battery charge
More at: Rust Update