Server wipe!
All Rust servers have been wiped!
- (MODDED) A new event has been added which involves a cargo ship sinking! Attention ship and items are guarded by divers and submarines!
- (MODDED) New gestures have been added for the VIP rank without the required DLC
- (MODDED) The Christmas train! It will be appearing until the next wipe!
Rust Update - Polish and Progress
We can't believe it either.
It feels like just yesterday that we were celebrating 10 years of Rust, getting emotional over our recap video, but it is true - Rust turns 11 years old on Wednesday the 11th of December!
It's been another incredible year for Rust, with record player numbers, Twitch events, and monthly content updates bringing some of the most significant changes to the world of Rust in the past 11 years.
Here are just some of the key gameplay additions we've delivered as we look back on 2024:
- World Update
- Backpacks
- Tutorial Island
- Digital Clock
- Night Light
- Harbour Monument Rework
- Cargo Ship Docking
- Minigun + Flamethrower
- Seismic Sensor
- Handcuffs + Prisoner Hood
- Motorbikes + Pedal Bikes
- Travelling Vendor
- Tin Can Alarm
- Metal Detector
- Wallpaper
- GCO Attachement
- Hand-held Diver Propulsion Vehicle
- Refreshed Divesites
- Radtown
- Radioactive Water
- T1 SMG + T3 SKS
- ...and much more!
To celebrate Rust turning 11, next week, you'll find a cake and balloons in-game. And your friends can
enjoy 50% off Rust for 10 days, starting on Monday!
On behalf of everyone at Facepunch, we'd like to thank you for a great 2024. In January, we'll release a full end-of-year blog in which we'll discuss how 2024 has gone, with highlights, learnings, and our plans for 2025.
- Added native ARM64 support on Mac for Apple Silicon
- Modular Car Radios
- Added 24x7 Bandit Town and Fishing Village radio stations
- Added server.homingMissileTargetsHab convar to enable Homing Missiles to target Hot Air Balloons (off by default)
- Added new IoEntity.infiniteIoPower convar to power everything on a server
- Can now pick up and shred player purchasable helicopters in the Junkyard
- Added Built-In Server Profiler
- Added "invis" admin command that makes the admin invisible to players and NPCs
- Added Vending Machine statistics
- Added RCON IP ban system
- Wolves have a better animation to jump up or down elevation
- Wolves will give up on jumping at elevated players if a torch is swung at them
- Wolves give up after following the player for a while, this happens a lot faster if the player is mounted or holding fire
- Wolves speed is reduced and fluctuates more organically
- Wolves are more likely to stop charging if one of their pack members gets hit near them
- Wolves only respond to howls from their own pack, making it less common for packs of more that 4 wolves to form
- Wolves won't see crouched players unless they are very close, allowing for melee attacks from the backWolves sight is reduced at night
- Increased speed of player placed elevators by 50%
- Added new express buttons to player placed elevators that go all the way up or down
- Surgeon scrubs can now be crafted without a workbench
- Added a passthrough slot to the Storage Monitor
- Changed Tin Can Alarm recipe: 2 empty tuna cans -> 30 metal fragments
- Ore nodes will no longer show the sparkle until they are hit for the first timeSlightly increased the depth in water players can sink to before the oxygen level starts to tick down
- Wooden high external walls & gates can now be upgraded using the Hammer
- A turret warning icon now appears next to the hostile warning indicator when you are hostile and near a peace keeper turret.
- Scrap received when selling items to NPC vending machines is now dynamic
- Updated Tutorial island with new cliffs
- Dying to the junkyard shredder now shows an icon and proper name in the death screen
- Added a "Fully Charged" output to all batteries which outputs 1 power when the battery is 100% charged.
- Enabled rotation before deployment for the following items: Electrical Branch, Splitter, Button, Blocker, Root Combiner, Memory Cell, HBHF Sensor, Audio Alarm, RAND Switch, Simple Light, Siren Light, Flasher Light, Laser Detector, Pressure Pad, Tesla Coils, Sound light, Sprinklers, Igniter, Water pump, Debug power generator
- Vendor listing now uses standard item icons
- TriggerRadiation now supports BoxColliders
- Added small box to Workcart
- Legacy Shelter can now be revoked
- Waterpumps can now be used in shallower water
- Propane tanks now stack up to 20
- Modded servers can no longer change the status messages in the loading screen, instead the tip line and icon can be changed
- Better Azure analytics error messaging
- Vending Machines now display if they are drone accessible or not
- Improvement to Underwater Visibility
- Disco floors can now be rotated and deployed while snapped to another disco floor piece
- Homing missiles have been added to Bradley and Heli loot crate
- Automatically set CPU affinity for AMD X3D CPUs
- Anti-Radiation Pills buffed: Decreased hydration reduction from 10 → 5, Increased scrap per trade from 1 → 10 and Increased radiation reduction from 25 → 75
- Fridge storage increased to 48 slots
- Wolves being able to jump on 2 storey bases or very tall cliffs
- Wolves hovering above ground
- Landmines now have a 15% chance to explode on being disarmed
- Fixed tesla coils being deployable under the terrain
- Fixed some deployables saying 'Not enough space' instead of 'Cannot build this close to X' when building in a monument no build zone
- Fixed repair bench UI not displaying the required ingredient amount when the quantity is 1
- Fixed research table UI showing the incorrect phrase when attempting to research broken items
- Fixed a crash when adding and removing a lot of slacked points to a wire
- Cutting the power of a broadcasting RF broadcaster will now stop its signal
- Fixed oxygen remaining readout starting at 3s (there is actually 4s of oxygen when going underwater)
- Fixed oxygen readout showing incorrect amounts if multiple diving tanks are in the inventory
- Fixed case where a second reload could be triggered if a player hit the reload key near the end of the reload animation (affected many guns)
- Fixed case where the crossbow reload would sometimes play an extra 0.25s animation when the reload finished if latency was high
- Fixed some floating grass and foliage on Tutorial Island
- Fixed fingers not rendering on some leather glove skins
- Fixed weapon reloads not reliably working at very (<15fps) low frame rates
- Fixed campfire water purifier not accepting freshwater in the propane tank section
- Fixed Travelling Vendor sharp LOD changes
- Fixed ocean water Z-fighting with terrain at the shore
More at: Rust Update