Rust Rules

Rust Rules

VAC Ban / Game Ban / VPN

(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1. You are not allowed to join our servers with a VAC/Game ban within 180 days.
  2. You are not allowed to join our server with multiple VAC/Game bans.
  3. VPNs/Proxys, or any program that changes your IP are not allowed to be used while playing on the servers.


Teaming (Does not apply to servers with unlimit team)

(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1. Teaming is not allowed. (includes roaming, raiding, basing. Also includes aiding raids or counter raiders).
  2. Your team consist of the online and offline members.
  3. You may switch teammates once per wipe, please make sure to clear bags tc and change codelocks.
  4. No farming for other teams. Trading is fine.
  5. You may be friendly with other players so long as it does not grant you an advantage over others.


Bugs / Exploits / Cheats

(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1. Do not abuse exploits or loopholes. (reporting those to staff may earn you a reward)
  2. Building inaccessible bases to be used only with teleports is forbidden. Each base has to have a path inside the building.
  3. Use of third party software/Cheating is not allowed.
  4. Cheater association. (Teaming with a cheater, knowingly or unknowingly.)
  5. Advertising/Selling cheat clients is strictly prohibited, joking about this will also result in a ban.


Server performance

(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1. Degrading server performance is not allowed. (Excessive; airdrops, fireworks, walls/towers, dropped entities, etc)
  2. Threats/Attempts to access and/or disrupt server's/player's normal traffic is strictly prohibited. (DDoS)



(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1.  Any form of teasing, e.g. denigration, bullying, humiliation, ridicule (including bodyshaming or catcalling) is prohibited.
  2. It is not allowed to publish racist / homophobic / sexist / propagating fascist or totalitarian systems / offending religious feelings / and pornographic content, i.e. pictures, memes, videos, gifs, links to websites with inappropriate content, etc. - memes/pictures shared must comply with the rules.
  3.  Advertising, reflinking or any other form of self-promotion without the permission of the administration will be punished by temporary mute and, as a last resort, by blocking the user.
  4.  Spamming, excessive use of capital letters and other methods that breach netiquette are prohibited.
  5.  We do not upload links where the content looks like a potential phishing attempt.
  6.  Impersonation is severely punishable and liable to prosecution, therefore any person caught impersonating someone or ‘bots’ will result in the user being blocked.
  7.  Promoting and sharing content from illegal sources is prohibited on the server. The sharing and use of glitches, cheats and exploits is also prohibited.



(Ban or mute times may vary)
  1. Inappropriate/offensive signs are not allowed. (Includes depictions of dictators, hate speech/symbols and obscene content.)
  2. Threats to/publication of other players' information (DOX) is strictly prohibited.
  3. Ban evasion is not allowed. (Alting to evade a ban/mute on another account, this includes rust Game bans)



Last Updated: 14/11/2024